Family trek on autogenerated map (2015-01-04)
Típus: Egne kart
Térkép/terület: Trestikle, Drammen
Rendező: oss selv
Ország: Norge
Táv: 3.56 km
Idő: 82:00
There is still no snow in the Drammen area so we combined leasure with purpose on Sunday. There was good conditions for a walk in the woods, temperature around zero 'C, sun and light winds.

Orienteers in IF Sturla are looking for new areas to map and these specific hills have been in our minds for a while.

As far as we know there is no orienteering map of any kind here so I have used programs written by Terje Mathisen which utilizes LiDAR-data and added public mapping data.

On the second half of the tour (click on the map to swich map) we had encountered some areas with heavy logging. That was quite disappointing because the contours could offer some fine challenges in navigation.
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Family trek on autogenerated map (2015-01-04) Family trek on autogenerated map (2015-01-04)